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Hereford Food Factory Sprinkler Activation

19 July 2024 @ 2:30 am - 4:00 am

Credit image HWFRS

  • Date of incident; July 19, 2024
  • Tine of call; 02:30
  • Location; Hereford
  • Use of building; Food Processing Factory
  • Location of fire; Plant room
  • Automatic Fire Suppression System; Dry Pipe System
  • Fire Rescue Service; Hereford & Worcester Fire and Recuse Service (HWFRS)

HWFRS have reported the following sprinkler activation involving a fire within a vacuum pump used for  processing.

The Incident

  • Fire crews were mobilised to reports of a fire within a factory plant room following receipt of a 999 call.
  • Factory engineers were alerted to a heat detector actuating within the premises vacuum plant room.
  • Upon investigation, it was identified flames were jetting out from the rear of the vacuum pump which was immediately isolated.
  • The main fire alarm for the premises was immediately activated resulting in the full evacuation of the building.
  • On arrival fire crews established that the premises sprinkler system had activated within the compartment of origin extinguishing the fire prior to their arrival.
  • No further firefighting media was required with minimal fire, smoke damage within the compartment of origin.
  • Following the completion of a dynamic risk assessment by HWFRS, fire crews directed for the sprinkler system to be isolated.
  • The system was reinstated by 09:00 hours the same morning of the incident
  • Enquires are ongoing regarding the cause of the fire.

It should be remembered. 

  1. The fire was extinguished, controlled within the compartment of origin by the sprinkler system.
  2. Minimal fire damage was reported within the compartment of origin.
  3. No further firefighting media was required.
  4. Impact on business was minimal
  5. The provision of a robust emergency plan allowed the provision of vital information for the sprinkler system to be shared with the FRS on arrival. Allowing a robust onsite emergency response to be immediately actioned to assist the control/isolation and reinstatement of the sprinkler system

When you compare this incident to the massive industrial fire reported by the Business Sprinkler Alliance that destroyed an usprinklered warehouse in Wales which has left a lasting impact on the local business community with over 40 companies affected and 37 unable to resume trading. It reinforces the benefits of installing sprinklers for property  protection/business resilience  preventing a potential major fire and ensured it was only a minor inconvenience.


If you want to make a difference working in the fire sector, we need your assistance……

To make sprinklers the norm and not the exception – we need the evidence. Encouraging the FRS to promote, collate, report sprinkler activations to Sprinkler Saves UK will help to create a central and comprehensive record of fire incidents where sprinklers played their role in containing/controlling or extinguishing the fire.

If you hear of a save report it using this link




19 July 2024
2:30 am - 4:00 am
Event Category:




Location (Town/City)
Type of Sprinkler Installation
Dry (that section), 1 head only operated immediately above pump