Credit images Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service
Hampshire County Council should be applauded for their position protecting their most vulnerable residents from fire by installing sprinklers into all their residential and nursing care homes as part of a package of long-standing fire safety measures following this positive news story reported by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire & Rescue Service.
A small fire within a residential and nursing care home for older adults some of whom are living with dementia was successfully extinguished by the premises sprinkler system.
Residential care premises present a series of unique challenges with respect to fire safety. The needs of the occupants and the resources required to undertake an evacuation in these types of premises require careful consideration both in the design and ongoing operation of such buildings, to ensure that an appropriate level of fire safety is provided.
The diminished senses that result from the ageing process may ultimately result in the occupants of residential care premises having a slower reaction time to raise an alarm, and due to the residents’ reduced physical capabilities, a slower response time to an alarm, which may result in an increased evacuation time. All the above- mentioned factors combine to increase the risk of injury or fatality in a fire, especially where assistance from carers may be restricted at night.
where residents require assistance, it is likely that the evacuation process will take longer, and sprinklers provide significant benefits to address this risk.
The Incident
It should be remembered.
(Providing effective fire protection requires both passive and active elements working in unison and complementing the roles of one another)
Emergency Plan
A robust emergency plan was available allowing the provision of vital information for the Fire Rescue Service to be shared by onsite representatives. Clarifying the location and provision of key elements of the active fire safety systems where present such as sprinklers and other forms of AFSS. The outcome of which will allow a robust onsite emergency response to be immediately actioned to assist the control of the sprinkler system during the fire incident and following a fire so that they can be reinstated.
The Sprinkler System
Coverage was provided throughout the premises including the loft space, water supply town mains, dual pump.
If you want to make a difference working in the fire sector, we need your assistance……
To make sprinklers the norm and not the exception – we need the evidence. Encouraging the FRS to promote, collate, report sprinkler activations to Sprinkler Saves UK will help to create a central and comprehensive record of fire incidents where sprinklers played their role in containing/controlling or extinguishing the fire.
If you hear of a save report it using this link