LFB have reported the above-mentioned incident demonstrating the benefits of installing a residential sprinkler system in a new purpose built high-rise residential block.
The Incident
The fire occurred within the bedroom of a flat on the first storey of the premises, 1 sprinkler head actuated containing/controlling the fire.
The cause of the fire is currently under investigation, no injuries were reported
BAFSA Incident data report No 2
Focusing on detailed analysis of compound data on fire incidents in Great Britain where sprinklers were reported over the period of 2018/19.
Identifies that over the 3-year period where sprinklers are reported as being present in purpose-built block of flats;
kitchen fires accounted for the highest number of sprinkler activations within flats with 40 from 89 incidents reported where sprinklers were reported as present.
BAFSA; Incident Data Report No2
LFB; Sprinkler websiteLFB sprinklers
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