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Norfolk Domestic Retrofitted Sprinkler Activation

24 April 2024 @ 12:00 am - 24 May 2024 @ 12:00 pm

Credit image ReCom fire protection ltd
  • Date of incident; 24 April  2024
  • Location; Norfolk
  • Use of building; Dwelling flat/maisonette
  • Incident; fire.
  • Location of fire; Living room
  • Automatic Fire Suppression System; BS9251:2021
  • Fire Rescue Service; Norfolk Fire Rescue Service (SWFRS)

The vast majority of reported sprinkler activations to Sprinkler Saves Uk are for residential tall building activations, it is therefore refreshing to be informed of a domestic sprinkler activation which provides further evidence that the installation of fire sprinklers as part of a package of fire safety measures, saves lives, prevents injury minimizes property damage in a variety of occupancies.


Firstly, our gratitude for the support of both NFRS and Recom Fire Protection Ltd for reporting this positive news story reaffirming the importance of reporting sprinkler activations to Sprinkler Saves Uk allowing trends, anomalies to be identified in the emerging UK sprinkler firefighting industry allowing the continued review of technical standards ensuring best practice within the sprinkler, fire industry.

In this case the

  • Decision taken by the social landlord to Install a domestic sprinkler system within a dwelling flat/maisonette, providing a further layer of safety protecting a vulnerable community member from fire as part of a package of fire safety measures.
  • Importance of sprinkler coverage within bathrooms, shower rooms and toilets.

It is proven that the installation of fire sprinklers as part of a package of fire safety measures, saves lives, prevents injury and minimizes property damage. It’s the equivalent of having a firefighter in your premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Promoting further evidence to the reliability and effectiveness of sprinkler systems following the two recent reports conducted ¹Optimal Economics, and commissioned by the National Fire Chiefs Council, National Fire Sprinkler Network into the performance, reliability, and effectiveness of sprinkler systems in controlling and extinguishing fires.

The reports found that:

  • Sprinklers are 99% efficient in extinguishing or controlling a fire.
  • Sprinklers are 94% efficient in their ability to operate.

The provision of a sprinkler system does not neglect the need for other fire practical precautions or provisions where the person is at higher-than-average risk from fire, unable to self-evacuate in the event of a fire.

 Sprinkler System Specification

  • BS9251;2021
  • Category 1
  • Dedicated tank and pump located within the garage of the premises
  • Retrospective install with fabricated boxing in of the sprinkler system
  • Coverage dwelling including garage
  • GSM autodialer/external sounder/beacon
  • 1 sidewall sprinkler head, VK480 activated

The Incident

  • Primary fire within a living room involving textiles, clothing
  • Fire crews were mobilised to reports of a fire following an emergency call received from the remote alarm receiving centre.
  • Upon arrival, fire crews assisted Mr D from the property, proceeded to extinguish a small fire in the living room involving textiles, clothing.
  • A further seat of fire was identified within the bathroom, it was established that the resident had tried to extinguish the fire by removing the textiles/clothing which were alight to the bath tub in the adjacent bathroom.
  • Firefighters identified that the sprinkler head within the bathroom had activated.
  • The circumstances regarding the activation of the sprinkler system are not conclusive as limited fire growth was reported within the bathroom allowing the sprinkler head to activate.
  • It is reported that Mr D was physicaly trying to silence the premises fire alarm before the arrival of NFRS, while carrying out this action Mr D may of mistook the sprinkler head as the fire alarm resulting in the activation of the head.
  • The fire within the bathtub was extinguished by the activation of the sprinkler head



Credit image ReCom fire protection ltd

Emergency Plan

  • Information was available onsite for NFRS to clarify the location and provision of key elements of the active fire safety systems.
  • Allowing a robust onsite emergency response to be actioned to assist with the control of the sprinkler system at the conclusion of the fire incident.
  • It is reported that the tank was 70% depleted running for 12 minutes before the intervention of NFRS

Reinstatement of the Fire Protection Measures

  • It is paramount that fire protection measures in buildings can function effectively in the event of a fire. To achieve this the premises emergency plan should include that arrangements are in place allowing the immediate reinstatement of the sprinkler system.
  • It is a requirement of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order for the responsible person to implement the appropriate arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring of the preventive and protective measures.
  • Any delay could compromise the safety of the occupants in the event of a further fire within the building due to the sprinkler system being offline.

Benefits of a residential sprinkler system

 It should be remembered that a correctly designed and installed sprinkler system

  1. Is an effective fire safety measures as part of a package of fire safety measures
  2. Reduces the heat output from fire by reducing its growth, containing, controlling or in some cases extinguishing the fire
  3. Initiates the appropriate emergency procedures by sounding a sprinklered local alarm
  4. Allows more time for the occupants to escape to safety or be rescued, protects firefighters


If you want to make a difference working in the fire sector, we need your assistance……

To make sprinklers the norm and not the exception – we need the evidence. Encouraging FRS and those in the sprinkler community to promote, collate, report sprinkler activations to Sprinkler Saves UK which will help to create a central and comprehensive record of fire incidents where sprinklers played their role in containing/controlling or extinguishing the fire.

If you hear of a save report it using this link.



24 April 2024 @ 12:00 am
24 May 2024 @ 12:00 pm
Event Category:




Location (Town/City)
Type of Sprinkler Installation
Wet Pipe