London Fire Brigade have reported the above-mentioned fire which was extinguished by the activation of three sprinkler heads before the arrival of the LFB. The fire was contained within the five roomed flat on the 3rd floor of the building, LFB’s fire investigation team believe the fire was accidental and caused a fault in a lithium-ion battery for an Ebike that was on charge.
This is the second sprinkler save reported involving a lithium-ion battery following the Stockport fire sprinkler save reported by Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service in July on this occasion involving a mobile phone. On both occasions the sprinkler system extinguished the fire before the arrival of the Fire & Rescue Service
The dangers of Lithium-Ion battery fires should not be underestimated which can develop into significant and unstoppable thermal runaway fires. It should be noted at present that sprinkler protection of lithium-ion batteries is outside the scope of current standard sprinkler design standards e.g., EN, NFPA/FM, specialist standards are being developed for example NPFA 855.
Once again, this incident demonstrates the benefits of installing a residential sprinkler system.
Further guidance on Lithium-Ion battery fires can be found in the Fire Industry Association guidance note on Lithium-ion battery fires