Our thanks to Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) for providing an overview of fire data on fire incidents in Lancashire where sprinkler systems were reported as present and having an impact for the period April to June 2024. The aim of this review is to reinforce the importance of reporting Automatic Fire Suppression System (AFSS) activations to Sprinkler Saves UK, the outcome of which will
- Allow trends, anomalies to be identified in the emerging UK sprinkler firefighting industry allowing the continued review of technical standards ensuring best practice within the sprinkler, fire industry.
- Allow The benefits of Automatic Fire Suppression Systems to be promoted to a wider audience, the outcome of which will entice others to install AFSS.
- Provide further evidence to the reliability and effectiveness of sprinkler systems following the two recent reports conducted by Optimal Economics, and commissioned by the National Fire Chiefs Council, National Fire Sprinkler Network
- Looking into the performance, reliability, and effectiveness of sprinkler systems in controlling and extinguishing fires.
The reports found that:
- Sprinklers are 99% efficient in extinguishing or controlling a fire.
- Sprinklers are 94 efficient in their ability to operate
- that sprinklers do have a role to play in reducing harm and protecting vulnerable people supporting the case for a greater inclusion of sprinklers in purpose built of flats.

6 incidents were reported for the above-mentioned period where AFSS were present of which 4 activated having an impact in a range of commercial and industrial premises within Lancashire. Each of these stories highlight real, tangible examples of where they have actuated providing powerful evidence of the ability of sprinklers to protect life, firefighters and property from fire. For the remaining 2 incidents, the AFSS did not operate due to the parameters of the system, limited fire growth was reported in the vicinity of the fires. Resulting in the predetermined temperature failing to be reached allowing the AFSS to actuate.

Credit Images J&J Fire Engineering
The above-mentioned images from for one of the reported sprinkler activations, demonstrates the power of sprinklers following a small fire reported involving a food hydrator within an entertainment/culture complex kitchen storeroom. The fire was extinguished by the activation of 1 sprinkler head containing the fire to the room of origin. Minimal inconvenience for the business was reported with the kitchen offline for 4 hours.
Summary of fire incidents where sprinklers were reported

Incidents reported
- Industrial Processing Fire Sprinkler Activation
- Date of incident; 1 April 2024.
- Time of call; 09;39.
- Location; Lancashire.
- Use of building; Industrial processing
- Incident; Fire.
- AFSS; Sprinklers.
- Impact of AFSS; Contained/controlled.
- Number of heads operated; Unknown.
The Incident
- 02:36, a fire broke out in the processing area of the premises involving a steam vessel used to heat up wax which caught light activating the commercial sprinkler system which contained, controlled the fire.
- The alarm was raised by the activation of the premises automatic fire detection system which was relayed the alarm to the remote alarm receiving centre, who proceeded to Inform Northwest Fire Control. (NWFC)
- Immediate, fire response by NWFC was not actioned following changes to policy by ¹LFRS responding to automatic fire alarm systems in non-sleeping premises.
- The premises key holder was informed at 02:41, who failed to attend the premises to investigate the source of the alarm
- Subsequently, LFRS did not attend the incident due to a failure of the buildings fire procedures/protocols namely the non-attendance of the key holder to investigate the source of the alarm, confirming a fire within the building.
- 09:41, The alarm was raised to NWFC by a member of staff arriving for work who observed the sprinkler system actuating with smoke present in the building.
- On arrival LFRS observed the remains of a smouldering fire which was extinguished using firefighting media.
- 50% fire damage reported contained to the vessel associated electrics.
- Investigations are ongoing to identify the cause of the fire.
¹FRS throughout the United Kingdom are reviewing how they respond to calls from automatic systems in non-sleeping risk premises. To reduce the number of unwanted fire signals fire crews, attend which have a major burden on FRS resources that may be needed elsewhere for a genuine emergency.
- It is therefore best practice to liaise with your local FRS on how policy change affects you and your business
- Review your premises cause and effect emergency procedures allowing the appropriate emergency response following the activation of an active fire protection system.
- Industrial Manufacturing Fire
- Date of incident; 12 April 2024.
- Time of call; 12;40.
- Location; Lancashire.
- Use of building; Industrial Manufacturing.
- Incident; Fire.
- AFSS; Sprinklers.
- Impact of AFSS; Did not operate.
- Number of heads operated; N/A.
The Incident
- A minor fire was reported involving electrical wiring during works carried out by operatives.
- Following a surge in the electrical current, which caused the electrical wiring to melt contact was made with a UPS battery pack, resulting in an arc which set the wiring alight.
- The battery pack sustained minor fire damage with 1m of wiring, damaged by fire
- No injuries were reported
The sprinkler system did not operate, due to limited fire growth within the room of origin. Resulting in the predetermined temperature failing to be reached at the sprinkler head allowing its operation.
- Industrial Manufacturing Fire
- Date of incident; 17 May 2024.
- Time of call; 03:39.
- Location; Lancashire.
- Use of building; Industrial Manufacturing.
- Incident; Fire.
- AFSS; Other.(Manually Operated)
- Impact of AFSS; Contained/controlled the fire.
- Number of heads operated; Unknown.
The Incident
- A fire involving plant machinery used to produce felt was tackled by staff using water hose reels who proceeded to activate the manual sprinkler system which contained, controlled the fire.
- On arrival LFRS used handheld jets to extinguish the fire, cool remaining hot spots identified using a thermal image camera.
- The cause of the fire was accidental due to the production process which had malfunctioned producing friction due to the machinery jamming causing smouldering which caught light.
- Fire damage sustained to 100m by 3m length of felt backed underlay, no juries were reported
- Warehouse/bulk storage fire
- Date of incident; 8 June 2024.
- Time of call; 07:30.
- Location; Lancashire.
- Use of building; Warehouse/bulk storage.
- Incident; Fire.
- AFSS; Other .(Heat detectors did not actuate due to not reaching required temp.)
- Number of heads operated; N/A.
The Incident
- LFRS were mobilised to a fire involving a stack of 250-300 tonnes household waste.
- Fire crews used onsite machinery to turnover the waste which was subsequently extinguished using firefighting media.
- 5 tonnes of waste damaged by fire which was contained within a concrete sided waste storage bay.
- All fire water run off contained within the waste facilities.
- No fire water run-off is reported entering any external water courses.
Due to insufficient heat, the premises AFSS (heat detectors) did not activate resulting in the premises suppression system not operating.
- Entertainment/Culture Complex Kitchen Storeroom Sprinkler Activation
- Date of incident; 9 June 2024.
- Time of call; 02:00.
- Location; Lancashire.
- Use of building; Entertainment/culture complex.
- Incident; Fire.
- AFSS; Sprinklers.
- Impact of AFSS; Extinguished.
- Number of heads operated; 1.
The Incident
- Small fire involving a food hydrator within a kitchen storeroom.
- The fire was successfully contained to the room of origin by the activation of 1 sprinkler head which extinguished the fire, no injuries were reported.
- Minimal inconvenience for the business was reported with the kitchen offline for 4 hours.
- Cause of the fire, accidental.
- Industrial Manufacturing Sprinkler Activation
- Date of incident; 9 June 2024.
- Time of call; 20:22.
- Location; Lancashire.
- Use of building; Industrial manufacturing.
- Incident; Fire.
- AFSS; Sprinklers.
- Impact of AFSS; Extinguished.
- Number of heads operated; 2.
The Incident
- During routine maintenance of the sprinkler diesel fire pumps a fire was reported within the sprinkler pump room outbuilding.
- Successfully extinguished by the operation of two sprinkler heads in addition to maintenance staff tackling the fire with handheld firefighting media.
- Cause of the fire, accidental with minor damage sustained to one diesel fire pump.
- Minor business disruption until the reinstatement of the sprinkler system.
This incident clearly identifies the importance of sprinkler protecting the sprinkler pump room.
Benefits of Automatic Fire Suppression Systems
Each of these stories highlight real, tangible incidents reinforcing that the operation of a correctly designed and installed AFSS installed to the appropriate codes, standards can reduce the rate of production of heat and smoke assisting businesses to be more resilient to fire incidents.
If it was not for the presence, activation of the AFSS, the outcome of these incidents could have had devastating consequences for the businesses. These incidents provides further evidence that having sprinklers fitted make buildings and businesses resilient to the impact of fire because that contain/control or in some cases extinguish the fire.
The impact of fire is indiscriminate, March 2018 a fire destroyed the Gardmen gardening supplies warehouse in Daventry which had recently commenced trading, sprinklers were not fitted. Further information on this incident can be found in comprehensive case study available to view on the Business Sprinkler Alliance website.
If you want to find out more on the benefits of AFSS for business contact the Business Sprinkler Alliance a coalition of leading fire organisations and experts which aims to.
- Ensure that more of the UK’s industrial and commercial buildings are protected from fire with AFSS.
- Driving a culture change so that sprinklers are better understood and accepted as the norm for UK business by raising awareness of the benefits they can bring
Reporting Sprinkler Activations
If you want to make a difference working in the fire sector, we need your assistance……To make sprinklers the norm and not the exception – we need the evidence. Encouraging FRS and those in the sprinkler community to promote, collate, report sprinkler activations to Sprinkler Saves UK which will help to create a central and comprehensive record of fire incidents where sprinklers played their role in containing/controlling or extinguishing the fire.If you hear of a save report it using this link.